48th FRANKFURT SPRING BALL & DAY SCHOOL (16 квітня 2016)

Це надійшло від наших друзів зі Франкфурта.



16 April 2016

St.-Josefs-Gemeinde · Eichwaldstraße 41 · 60385 Frankfurt · Germany

Come and join us in April for an exciting day of dancing in Frankfurt!
In addition to the traditional Spring Ball, there will once more be a
day school taught by Johanna Leithoff (Erfurt), as well as our usual
walk-through of some of the less familiar dances on the evening's
programme. There will be live music throughout the day.

DAY SCHOOL (intermediate and above)

Teacher: Johanna Leithoff
Music: Anselm Lingnau (piano)
Time: 10am–12pm & 1pm–3pm
Admission: €5 (ball participants), €10 (others)


Led by: Dagmar Suhm
Music: Anselm Lingnau (piano)
Time: 3.15pm–4.45pm
Admission: free to ball participants


Programme: see below (or on our web site)
Music: Christine Moos (fiddle), Anselm Lingnau (piano) & guests
Time: 7pm (sharp) – 12.30am
Admission: €32 (includes buffet dinner)


Please register by 10 April using the online form at


or contact us on +49(0)6131/8807925 or ball2016@frankfurt-scd-club.org
for prepayment details. Guests from outside the SEPA may pay at the door
but must also pre-register.

Please refer to our web site for additional information (diagrams, cribs,
street maps, train timetables, …). We're looking forward to seeing you in

A PDF version of this announcement (including Pilling-style diagrams) is
available from http://www.frankfurt-scd-club.org/ball2016-flyer.pdf .

Marie, Anselm and the Frankfurt Scottish dancers


1. Hooper's Jig J32 3/4L MMM
2. West End Strathspey S32 2/4L Goldring Gr2
3. Monterey Mixer R32 3+3RR Vandegrift: San Francisco 2
4. Equilibrium J32 3/4L Barbour: Set & Cast Off 2
5. The Music and the Dance S32 3/4L Campbell: Who's Who/Toronto
6. The Moving Cloud R32 3/4L Kinroy: SDA

7. The Aviator J32 3/4L Fischer
8. MacDonald of Keppoch M128 4S Ronald: RSCDS XLIX
9. The Clansman R32 2/4L Haynes: RSCDS XXXII
10. Spiffin' J32 5S Quarries et al: Chicago 25th
11. One of the Best S32 2/4L Lingnau (see below)
12. The Prince of Sutton Coldfield R32 3/4L Downey: Tuatara Collection
13. The Starry Eyed Lassie J32 3/4L Sprague: RSCDS XXIII
14. Linnea's Strathspey S32 3/4L Wilson: RSCDS XLVII
15. Milton's Welcome R32 3/4L Bayly: RSCDS XXXIII
16. The Frisky J32 3/4L Bremner: RSCDS XXVI
17. City of Belfast S32 3/3L Mulholland: RSCDS XLVIII
18. The Deil amang the Tailors R32 3/4L RSCDS XIV

Dances will be recapped.

(See also http://my.strathspey.org/dd/list/6280/ for more details, and
http://my.strathspey.org/u/anselm/dances/oneofthebest/ for full instructions
for “One of the Best”.)
Anselm Lingnau, RSCDS Teacher .................. anselm@frankfurt-scd-club.org
Frankfurt Scottish Country Dance Club (RSCDS affil.) im Frankfurter Tanzkreis
Web: http://www.frankfurt-scd-club.org Mail: info@frankfurt-scd-club.org